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বিদেশে প্রশিক্ষণ সংক্রান্ত (Foreign Training Related)

ক্রম বিষয়বস্তু প্রকাশের তারিখ ডাউনলোড
GO 950, Govt. sanction to attend the PSI to be held in Belgium during 24-30 December 2019, (12/12/2019) ১২-১২-২০১৯
GO 950, Govt. sanction to attend the PSI to be held in Belgium during 24-30 December 2019, (12/12/2019)
GO 948, Govt. sanction to attend the meeting to be held in Maldives during 16-19 December 2019, (11/12/2019) ১১-১২-২০১৯
GO 948, Govt. sanction to attend the meeting to be held in Maldives during 16-19 December 2019, (11/12/2019)
GO 944, Govt. sanction to attend the PSI to be held in United Kingdom (UK) during 01-31 December 2019, (10/12/2019) ১০-১২-২০১৯
GO 944, Govt. sanction to attend the PSI to be held in United Kingdom (UK) during 01-31 December 2019, (10/12/2019)
GO 937, Govt. sanction to attend the workshop to be held in India from 10-12 December 2019, (09/12/2019) ০৯-১২-২০১৯
GO 937, Govt. sanction to attend the workshop to be held in India from 10-12 December 2019, (09/12/2019)
GO 927, Govt. sanction to attend the Workshop to be held in China from 10-11 December 2019, (4/12/2019) ০৫-১২-২০১৯
GO 927, Govt. sanction to attend the Workshop to be held in China from 10-11 December 2019, (4/12/2019)
GO 924, Govt. sanction to attend the Workshop to be held in India from 10-12 December 2019, (3/12/2019) ০৪-১২-২০১৯
GO 924, Govt. sanction to attend the Workshop to be held in India from 10-12 December 2019, (3/12/2019)
GO 928, Govt. sanction to attend the workshop to be held in India from 18-21 December 2019, (04/12/2019) ০৪-১২-২০১৯
GO 928, Govt. sanction to attend the workshop to be held in India from 18-21 December 2019, (04/12/2019)
GO 921, Govt. sanction to attend the Workshop to be held in India from 3-6 December 2019, (2/12/2019) ০২-১২-২০১৯
GO 921, Govt. sanction to attend the Workshop to be held in India from 3-6 December 2019, (2/12/2019)
GO 915, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in Indonesia from 15-21 December 2019, (1/12/2019) ০১-১২-২০১৯
GO 915, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in Indonesia from 15-21 December 2019, (1/12/2019)
১০ GO 916, Govt. sanction to attend the tour to be held in New Zealand from 15-22 December 2019, (1/12/2019) ০১-১২-২০১৯
GO 916, Govt. sanction to attend the tour to be held in New Zealand from 15-22 December 2019, (1/12/2019)
১১ GO 903, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in USA from 15-22 November 2019, (12/11/2019) ২৫-১১-২০১৯
GO 903, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in USA from 15-22 November 2019, (12/11/2019)
১২ GO 887, Govt. sanction to attend the workshop to be held in Pakistan from 2-6 December 2019, (12/11/2019) ১২-১১-২০১৯
GO 887, Govt. sanction to attend the workshop to be held in Pakistan from 2-6 December 2019, (12/11/2019)
১৩ GO 881, Govt. sanction to attend the conference to be held in Thailand from 20-22 November 2019, (12/11/2019) ১২-১১-২০১৯
GO 881, Govt. sanction to attend the conference to be held in Thailand from 20-22 November 2019, (12/11/2019)
১৪ GO 886, Govt. sanction to attend the workshop to be held in Thailand from 9-10 November 2019, (12/11/2019) ১২-১১-২০১৯
GO 886, Govt. sanction to attend the workshop to be held in Thailand from 9-10 November 2019, (12/11/2019)
১৫ GO 885, Govt. sanction to attend the workshop to be held in Thailand from 26-29 November 2019, (12/11/2019) ১২-১১-২০১৯
GO 885, Govt. sanction to attend the workshop to be held in Thailand from 26-29 November 2019, (12/11/2019)
১৬ GO 884, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in USA from 15-22 November 2019, (12/11/2019) ১২-১১-২০১৯
GO 884, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in USA from 15-22 November 2019, (12/11/2019)
১৭ GO 889, Govt. sanction to attend the workshop to be held in Thailand from 20-21 November 2019, (12/11/2019) ১২-১১-২০১৯
GO 889, Govt. sanction to attend the workshop to be held in Thailand from 20-21 November 2019, (12/11/2019)
১৮ GO 888, Govt. sanction to attend the workshop to be held in Thailand from 26-29 November 2019, (12/11/2019) ১২-১১-২০১৯
GO 888, Govt. sanction to attend the workshop to be held in Thailand from 26-29 November 2019, (12/11/2019)
১৯ GO 879, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in Thailand from 18-29 November 2019, (11/11/2019) ১১-১১-২০১৯
GO 879, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in Thailand from 18-29 November 2019, (11/11/2019)
২০ GO 880, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in Thailand from 18-29 November 2019, (11/11/2019) ১১-১১-২০১৯
GO 880, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in Thailand from 18-29 November 2019, (11/11/2019)

সর্বমোট তথ্য: ৫৪৪