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বিদেশে প্রশিক্ষণ সংক্রান্ত (Foreign Training Related)

ক্রম বিষয়বস্তু প্রকাশের তারিখ ডাউনলোড
No. 590, The Government's approval for the officials to attend the FAO Regional Workshop on understanding fisheries support measures in the Asian context to be held in Bangkok, Thailand from 17-19 October 2023 under the terms and conditions.(01/10/2023) ০১-১০-২০২৩
No. 590, The Government's approval for the officials to attend the FAO Regional Workshop on understanding fisheries support measures in the Asian context to be held in Bangkok, Thailand from 17-19 October 2023 under the terms and conditions.(01/10/2023)
No. 589, The Government in favour of Anisur Rahman Talukder, Additional Director General, Department of Fisheries, Matshya Bhaban, Dhaka for attending the “2nd High-Level Meeting on Aquaculture Transformation in Asia and the Pacific Region” which will be held in Bangkok, Thailand from 08-09 November 2023 under the terms and conditions. (01/10/2023) ০১-১০-২০২৩
No. 589, The Government in favour of Anisur Rahman Talukder, Additional Director General, Department of Fisheries, Matshya Bhaban, Dhaka for attending the “2nd High-Level Meeting on Aquaculture Transformation in Asia and the Pacific Region” which will be held in Bangkok, Thailand from 08-09 November 2023 under the terms and conditions. (01/10/2023)
No. 581, The Government's approval of the officials to attend the training course/Seminar on Technologies for Dairy Products and Food Processing for Developing Countries to be held in China from 27/09/2023 to 17/10/2023 or at a nearer date. (24/09/2023) ২৪-০৯-২০২৩
No. 581, The Government's approval of the officials to attend the training course/Seminar on Technologies for Dairy Products and Food Processing for Developing Countries to be held in China from 27/09/2023 to 17/10/2023 or at a nearer date. (24/09/2023)
GO 570, Government's approval for the officials to attend the Regional Consultation Workshop on Multi-stakeholder Collaboration to Strengthen Sustainability and Resilience of Livestock Systems in South and Southeast Asia which will be held in Kathmandu, Nepal from 05 to 06 October 2023. (21/09/2023) ২১-০৯-২০২৩
GO 570, Government's approval for the officials to attend the Regional Consultation Workshop on Multi-stakeholder Collaboration to Strengthen Sustainability and Resilience of Livestock Systems in South and Southeast Asia which will be held in Kathmandu, Nepal from 05 to 06 October 2023. (21/09/2023)
GO 569, Government's approval for the officials to attend the Research Policy Round Table (PRT) on the Wildlife Disease to be held in Republic of Korea from 10-12 October 2023. (21/09/2023) ২১-০৯-২০২৩
GO 569, Government's approval for the officials to attend the Research Policy Round Table (PRT) on the Wildlife Disease to be held in Republic of Korea from 10-12 October 2023. (21/09/2023)
No. 564, The sanction of the Government's approval to Sudip Bhattacharya, Senior upazila fisheries officer, Gopalpur, Tangail to participate in the training study tour on health management, disease diagnosis and treatment of cultured species in IORA Region for aquaculture sustainable development to be held in Oman from 22/10/2023 to 26/10/2023 under the terms and conditions. (19/09/2023) ১৯-০৯-২০২৩
No. 564, The sanction of the Government's approval to Sudip Bhattacharya, Senior upazila fisheries officer, Gopalpur, Tangail to participate in the training study tour on health management, disease diagnosis and treatment of cultured species in IORA Region for aquaculture sustainable development to be held in Oman from 22/10/2023 to 26/10/2023 under the terms and conditions. (19/09/2023)
No. 563, The Government's approval to Dr. Md. Ibrahim Khalil, Scientific Officer, Field Disease Investigation Laboratory (FLID), Barisal to attend the “Eight EMPHNET Regional Conference 2023" to be held in Amman, Jordan from 22-25 October 2023 under the terms and conditions. (19/09/2023) ১৯-০৯-২০২৩
No. 563, The Government's approval to Dr. Md. Ibrahim Khalil, Scientific Officer, Field Disease Investigation Laboratory (FLID), Barisal to attend the “Eight EMPHNET Regional Conference 2023
No. 471, The Government's approval of the officers to attend the World Food Prize Programme 2023 to be held in United States of America (USA) during 24/10/2023 to 26/10/2023 or nearer date for 03 (three) days (excluding travel time) under the terms and conditions. (14/09/2023) ১৪-০৯-২০২৩
No. 471, The Government's approval of the officers to attend the World Food Prize Programme 2023 to be held in United States of America (USA) during 24/10/2023 to 26/10/2023 or nearer date for 03 (three) days (excluding travel time) under the terms and conditions. (14/09/2023)
GO 530, The approval for the officer to participate Food safety in the Dairy Sector Course under the Danida Fellowship Centre (DFC) Scholarship Program which will be held in University of Copenhagen, Denmark from 23/10/2023 to 10/11/2023 or nearer date for 19 days (excluding travel time). (04/09/2023) ০৪-০৯-২০২৩
GO 530, The approval for the officer to participate Food safety in the Dairy Sector Course under the Danida Fellowship Centre (DFC) Scholarship Program which will be held in University of Copenhagen, Denmark from 23/10/2023 to 10/11/2023 or nearer date for 19 days (excluding travel time). (04/09/2023)
১০ স্মারক ৫২৪, জনাব আল মামুন, ফিশারিজ কোয়ারেন্টাইন অফিসারের কার্যালয়, শাহ আমানত আন্তর্জাতিক বিমানবন্দর, চট্টগ্রাম (সংযুক্তি: সামুদ্রিক মৎস্য জরিপ ব্যবস্থাপনা ইউনিট, আগ্রাবাদ, চট্টগ্রাম) এর বিদেশে প্রশিক্ষণ কোর্সে অংশগ্রহণের নিমিত্ত আবেদনের পূর্বানুমতি। (০৩/০৯/২০২৩) ০৩-০৯-২০২৩
স্মারক ৫২৪, জনাব আল মামুন, ফিশারিজ কোয়ারেন্টাইন অফিসারের কার্যালয়, শাহ আমানত আন্তর্জাতিক বিমানবন্দর, চট্টগ্রাম (সংযুক্তি: সামুদ্রিক মৎস্য জরিপ ব্যবস্থাপনা ইউনিট, আগ্রাবাদ, চট্টগ্রাম) এর বিদেশে প্রশিক্ষণ কোর্সে অংশগ্রহণের নিমিত্ত আবেদনের পূর্বানুমতি। (০৩/০৯/২০২৩)
১১ স্মারক ৫২৩, জনাব রনি চন্দ্র মন্ডল, সহকারী পরিচালক, জেলা মৎস্য কর্মকর্তার দপ্তর, নওগাঁ এর পিএইচডি কোর্সে অংশগ্রহণের নিমিত্ত আবেদনের পূর্বানুমতি। (০৩/০৯/২০২৩) ০৩-০৯-২০২৩
স্মারক ৫২৩, জনাব রনি চন্দ্র মন্ডল, সহকারী পরিচালক, জেলা মৎস্য কর্মকর্তার দপ্তর, নওগাঁ এর পিএইচডি কোর্সে অংশগ্রহণের নিমিত্ত আবেদনের পূর্বানুমতি। (০৩/০৯/২০২৩)
১২ No. 515, Government's approval for Dr. Md. Amimul Ehshan, District Fisheries Officer, District Fisheries Office, Naogaon to attend the short course on "Market Access for Sustainable trade" in South Africa from 23/10/2023 to 03/11/2023 for 12 (twelve) days or at a nearer date. (30/08/2023) ৩০-০৮-২০২৩
No. 515, Government's approval for Dr. Md. Amimul Ehshan, District Fisheries Officer, District Fisheries Office, Naogaon to attend the short course on
১৩ No. 513, The approval of the Government in favour of Dr. Muhammad Tanvir Hossain Chowdhury. Deputy Chief (Marine), Department of Fisheries, Matshya Bhaban, Dhaka for attending the 34 Session of the G16 Indian Ocean Coastal States Meeting in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (U.AE. from 18/09/2023 to 20/09/2023 for 03 days under the terms and conditions. (28/08/2023) ২৮-০৮-২০২৩
No. 513, The approval of the Government in favour of Dr. Muhammad Tanvir Hossain Chowdhury. Deputy Chief (Marine), Department of Fisheries, Matshya Bhaban, Dhaka for attending the 34 Session of the G16 Indian Ocean Coastal States Meeting in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) from 18/09/2023 to 20/09/2023 for 03 days under the terms and conditions. (28/08/2023)
১৪ No. 508, The approval of deputation to Dr. Mohammad Gazi Shah Alam, Upazila Livestock Officer, Upazilla Office and Veterinary Hospital, Kalapara, Patuakhali for attending Department of Global Health's Doctor of Global Health Leadership and practice (DrGH) program in the University of Washington, USA from 18/09/2023 to 17/09/2024 or 01 (one) year from the actual starting date of deputation. (28/08/2023) ২৮-০৮-২০২৩
No. 508, The approval of deputation to Dr. Mohammad Gazi Shah Alam, Upazila Livestock Officer, Upazilla Office and Veterinary Hospital, Kalapara, Patuakhali for attending Department of Global Health's Doctor of Global Health Leadership and practice (DrGH) program in the University of Washington, USA from 18/09/2023 to 17/09/2024 or 01 (one) year from the actual starting date of deputation. (28/08/2023)
১৫ No. 505, The approval of the officers to take part in the overseas Exposure visit program to Marine and Forest Protected areas in Germany from 01/10/2023 to 12/10/2023 or from the nearest possible date for 12 (twelve) days (excluding travel time). (24/08/2023) ২৪-০৮-২০২৩
No. 505, The approval of the officers to take part in the overseas Exposure visit program to Marine and Forest Protected areas in Germany from 01/10/2023 to 12/10/2023 or from the nearest possible date for 12 (twelve) days (excluding travel time). (24/08/2023)
১৬ No. 502, The sanction of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh in favour of Jinat Jahan Bornali, Upazila Fisheries Officer (Reserve), Department of Fisheries, Matshya Bhaban, Dhaka to participate in the 3rd meeting of the Core Group of Fisheries Management (CGFM) and the First Workshop on the Development of the IORA Guideline on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing in Jakarta, Indonesia from 12/09/2023 to 14/09/2023 or nearer date (excluding transit period). (22/08/2023) ২২-০৮-২০২৩
No. 502, The sanction of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh in favour of Jinat Jahan Bornali, Upazila Fisheries Officer (Reserve), Department of Fisheries, Matshya  Bhaban, Dhaka to participate in the 3rd meeting of the Core Group of Fisheries Management (CGFM) and the First Workshop on the Development of the IORA Guideline on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing in Jakarta, Indonesia from 12/09/2023 to 14/09/2023 or nearer date (excluding transit period). (22/08/2023)
১৭ No. 490, The approval of the officers to participate in the Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) on "Buffalo Cow/Female Cow and its sources, quality assurances" in India from 20/08/2023 to 30/08/2023 or from the nearest possible date for 10 (ten) days (excluding travel time). (16/08/2023) ১৬-০৮-২০২৩
No. 490, The approval of the officers to participate in the Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) on
১৮ No. 480, The approval of the officer to attend 12th Meeting of the Technical Committee on Allocation Criteria arranged by Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) at Eden Island in Seychelles from 16/10/2023 to 19/10/2023.(14/08/2023) ১৪-০৮-২০২৩
No. 480, The approval of the officer to attend 12th Meeting of the Technical Committee on Allocation Criteria arranged by Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) at Eden Island in Seychelles from 16/10/2023 to 19/10/2023.(14/08/2023)
১৯ No. 478, The Government's approval of the officers to take part in the 1st MPA Bilateral Training Workshop and Site Visits to be held in Incheon and Suncheon, South Korea from 31/10/2023 to 03/11/2023 for 04 (four) days (excluding travel time). (14/08/2023) ১৪-০৮-২০২৩
No. 478, The Government's approval of the officers to take part in the 1st MPA Bilateral Training Workshop and Site Visits to be held in Incheon and Suncheon, South Korea from 31/10/2023 to 03/11/2023 for 04 (four) days (excluding travel time). (14/08/2023)
২০ No 467, The approval of the officers for attending the 7th China-South Asia Expo to be held in Kunming, China from 16-20 August, 2023 or from the nearest possible date for 05 (five) days (excluding travel time). (10/08/2023) ১০-০৮-২০২৩
No 467, The approval of the officers for attending the 7th China-South Asia Expo to be held in Kunming, China from 16-20 August, 2023 or from the nearest possible date for 05 (five) days (excluding travel time). (10/08/2023)

সর্বমোট তথ্য: ৫৪৪