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বিদেশে প্রশিক্ষণ সংক্রান্ত (Foreign Training Related)

ক্রম বিষয়বস্তু প্রকাশের তারিখ ডাউনলোড
GO 768, The Government's approval for the following officials to participate in the international conference on One Ocean, One Fishing Community; Challenges for fishing Communities in an Era of Great Transformation at Jeju in South Korea from 24/11/2024 to 27/11/2024 for 04 (four) days.(31/10/2024) ৩১-১০-২০২৪
GO 768, The Government's approval for the following officials to participate in the international conference on One Ocean, One Fishing Community; Challenges for fishing Communities in an Era of Great Transformation at Jeju in South Korea from 24/11/2024 to 27/11/2024 for 04 (four) days.(31/10/2024)
GO 770, The Government's approval for the officials to participate in the training programme on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) at Chinese University of Hongkong (CUHK) in Hong Kong from 10/11/2024 to 23/11/2024 for 14 (forteen) days. (31/10/2024) ৩১-১০-২০২৪
GO 770, The Government's approval for the officials to participate in the training programme on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) at Chinese University of Hongkong (CUHK) in Hong Kong from 10/11/2024 to 23/11/2024 for 14 (forteen) days. (31/10/2024)
GO 759, The Government's approval for Dr. Shakawayet Hossain, Deputy Director (Human Resource Development Section), Department of Livestock Services, Dhaka to participate in Regional Workshop for Focal Points of Communication in Asia and the Pacific to be held at Putrajaya in Malaysia from 26/11/2024 to 28/11/2024 for 03 (three) days. (28/10/2024) ২৮-১০-২০২৪
GO 759, The Government's approval for Dr. Shakawayet Hossain, Deputy Director (Human Resource Development Section), Department of Livestock Services, Dhaka to participate in Regional Workshop for Focal Points of Communication in Asia and the Pacific to be held at Putrajaya in Malaysia from 26/11/2024 to 28/11/2024 for 03 (three) days. (28/10/2024)
GO 760, The Government's approval for Dr. Rezaul Huq Khan, Deputy Director (Disease Control/Production/Technology Transfer Planning), Department of Livestock Services, Dhaka to participate in the ACT & FF3 Joint Regional Capacity Building and Planning Workshop in Asia to be held at Siem Reap in Cambodia from 04/11/2024 to 08/11/2024. (28/10/2024) ২৮-১০-২০২৪
GO 760, The Government's approval for Dr. Rezaul Huq Khan, Deputy Director (Disease Control/Production/Technology Transfer Planning), Department of Livestock Services, Dhaka to participate in the ACT & FF3 Joint Regional Capacity Building and Planning Workshop in Asia to be held at Siem Reap in Cambodia from 04/11/2024 to 08/11/2024. (28/10/2024)
GO 757, The Government's approval for Dr. Md. Bayzer Rahman, Director (Administration), Department of Livestock Services, Dhaka to participate in the Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and the Pacific (APHCA) 83rd APHCA Executive Committee meeting & 45th Business Session and The Regional Workshop on Innovations to Support Sustainable Livestock Transformation in the Asia and Pacific Region to be held at Khon Kean in Thailand from 11/11/2024 to 14/11/2024. (28/10/2024) ২৮-১০-২০২৪
GO 757, The Government's approval for Dr. Md. Bayzer Rahman, Director (Administration), Department of Livestock Services, Dhaka to participate in the Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and the Pacific (APHCA) 83rd APHCA Executive Committee meeting & 45th Business Session and The Regional Workshop on Innovations to Support Sustainable Livestock Transformation in the Asia and Pacific Region to be held at Khon Kean in Thailand from 11/11/2024 to 14/11/2024. (28/10/2024)
GO 758, The Government's approval for the officials to participate in Regional Training Course on Enhancing Capacity for Monitoring Control and Survellance (MCS) of Domestic and International Fishing Vessels to Combat IUU Fishing at Samut Prakan in Thailand from 19/11/2024 to 22/11/2024 for 04 (four) days. (28/10/2024) ২৮-১০-২০২৪
GO 758, The Government's approval for the officials to participate in Regional Training Course on Enhancing Capacity for Monitoring Control and Survellance (MCS) of Domestic and International Fishing Vessels to Combat IUU Fishing at Samut Prakan in Thailand from 19/11/2024 to 22/11/2024 for 04 (four) days. (28/10/2024)
GO 756, The Government's approval for the officials to participate in the Overseas Training on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) to be held at Manila in Philipines from 09/11/2024 to 15/11/2024 for 07 (seven) days. (28/10/2024) ২৮-১০-২০২৪
GO 756, The Government's approval for the officials to participate in the Overseas Training on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) to be held at Manila in Philipines from 09/11/2024 to 15/11/2024 for 07 (seven) days. (28/10/2024)
GO 761, The Government's approval for Partha Pradip Sarkar, Deputy Project Director (DPD), Livestock and Dairy Development Project (LDDP), Department of Livestock Services, Dhaka to participate in the Hands on Training on slaughterhouse machineries to be held at Nea Pella in Greece from 01/11/2024 to 08/11/2024 or nearer possible date for 08 (eight) days. (28/10/2024) ২৮-১০-২০২৪
GO 761, The Government's approval for Partha Pradip Sarkar, Deputy Project Director (DPD), Livestock and Dairy Development Project (LDDP), Department of Livestock Services, Dhaka to participate in the Hands on Training on slaughterhouse machineries to be held at Nea Pella in Greece from 01/11/2024 to 08/11/2024 or nearer possible date for 08 (eight) days. (28/10/2024)
GO 763, The Government's approval for Shaikh Qamrul Hasan, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka for attending EuroTier 2024 to be held at Hanover in Germany from 12/11/2024 to 15/11/2024 or nearest possible date for 04 (four) days (excluding travel time). (28/10/2024) ২৮-১০-২০২৪
GO 763, The Government's approval for Shaikh Qamrul Hasan, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka for attending EuroTier 2024 to be held at Hanover in Germany from 12/11/2024 to 15/11/2024 or nearest possible date for 04 (four) days (excluding travel time). (28/10/2024)
১০ GO 746, The Government's approval for Mohammad Azibur Rahman, District Fisheries Officer (Reserve) and Deputy Project Director (Additional Charge), Fisheries Livelihood Enhancement Project in the Coastal Area of the Bay of Bengal, Department of Fisheries, Matshya Bhaban, Dhaka to participate in the training course on Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Improvement through Food-Based Approach (C)" (202313546j001) to be held in Japan from 27/11/2024 to 21/12/2024 for 25 (twenty-five) days. (24/10/2024) ২৪-১০-২০২৪
GO 746, The Government's approval for Mohammad Azibur Rahman, District Fisheries Officer (Reserve) and Deputy Project Director (Additional Charge), Fisheries Livelihood Enhancement Project in the Coastal Area of the Bay of Bengal, Department of Fisheries, Matshya Bhaban, Dhaka to participate in the training course on Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Improvement through Food-Based Approach (C)
১১ GO 748, The Government's approval for Md. Nowsher Ali, Baor Manager, Morzad Baor, Chaugacha, Jashore to participate in the "Regional Workshop on Preparedness and Response for Emerging Diseases in Aquatic Animals for Asia and the Pacific" and "Regional Workshop on Antimicrobial Use and Antimicrobial Resistance in Aquaculture for Asia and the Pacific" to be held in Singapore from 29/10/2024 to 01/11/2024 for 04 (four) days. (24/10/2024) ২৪-১০-২০২৪
GO 748, The Government's approval for Md. Nowsher Ali, Baor Manager, Morzad Baor, Chaugacha, Jashore to participate in the
১২ GO 747, The Government's approval for Dr. Masuma Akhter, Upazila Livestock Officer (Leave, Deputation and Training Reserve Post), Department of Livestock Services, Dhaka to participate in the Regional Workshop on Innovations to Support Sustainable Livestock Transformation in the Asia and Pacific Region to be held at Khon Kaen in Thailand from 12/11/2024 to 14/11/2024. (24/10/2024) ২৪-১০-২০২৪
GO 747, The Government's approval for Dr. Masuma Akhter, Upazila Livestock Officer (Leave, Deputation and Training Reserve Post), Department of Livestock Services, Dhaka to participate in the Regional Workshop on Innovations to Support Sustainable Livestock Transformation in the Asia and Pacific Region to be held at Khon Kaen in Thailand from 12/11/2024 to 14/11/2024. (24/10/2024)
১৩ GO 744, The Government's approval for the officials to participate in the Regional Training Course on Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) and Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) to be held at Chennai and Kochi in India from 15/11/2024 to 30/11/2024 for 16 (sixteen) days. (24/10/2024) ২৪-১০-২০২৪
GO 744, The Government's approval for the officials to participate in the Regional Training Course on Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) and Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) to be held at Chennai and Kochi in India from 15/11/2024 to 30/11/2024 for 16 (sixteen) days. (24/10/2024)
১৪ GO 731, The Government's approval of the officials to participate in 'Livestock Products and Food Processing' visit program to be held in Thailand from 31/10/2024 to 05/11/2024. (17/10/2024) ১৭-১০-২০২৪
GO 731, The Government's approval of the officials to participate in 'Livestock Products and Food Processing' visit program to be held in Thailand from 31/10/2024 to 05/11/2024. (17/10/2024)
১৫ GO 729, The approval of the Government in favour of Dr. Md. Khaled Kanak, Deputy Director, Marine Fisheries Office, Agrabad, Chattogram for attending 20th Working Party on Data Collection and Statistics and 27th Session of the IOTC Scientific Committee to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 26/11/2024 to 06/12/2024. (17/10/2024) ১৭-১০-২০২৪
GO 729, The approval of the Government in favour of Dr. Md. Khaled Kanak, Deputy Director, Marine Fisheries Office, Agrabad, Chattogram for attending 20th Working Party on Data Collection and Statistics and 27th Session of the IOTC Scientific Committee to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 26/11/2024 to 06/12/2024. (17/10/2024)
১৬ GO 721, The Government's approval of Dr. Subrata Sarker, Senior Scientific Officer, Field Disease Investigation Laboratory, Feni, Department of Livestock Services to participate in the WOAH-WHO Regional Training Workshop on Rabies Diagnosis for South-East Asia to be held at Bengaluru, Karnataka in India from 21/10/2024 to 25/10/2024. (16/10/2024) ১৬-১০-২০২৪
GO 721, The Government's approval of Dr. Subrata Sarker, Senior Scientific Officer, Field Disease Investigation Laboratory, Feni, Department of Livestock Services to participate in the WOAH-WHO Regional Training Workshop on Rabies Diagnosis for South-East Asia to be held at Bengaluru, Karnataka in India from 21/10/2024 to 25/10/2024. (16/10/2024)
১৭ GO 710, The Government's approval for Md. Mahmudul Hasan Rony, Technologist, Office of the Quality Assurance Manager, Panchlaish thana, Chattogram to participate in the BTSF Training session on Sampling and Analysis, Course 1: Mycotoxins (Myco) to be held in Rome, Italy from 25/11/2024 to 06/12/2024. (09/10/2024) ০৯-১০-২০২৪
GO 710, The Government's approval for Md. Mahmudul Hasan Rony, Technologist, Office of the Quality Assurance Manager, Panchlaish thana, Chattogram to participate in the BTSF Training session on Sampling and Analysis, Course 1: Mycotoxins (Myco) to be held in Rome, Italy from 25/11/2024 to 06/12/2024. (09/10/2024)
১৮ GO 694, The Government's approval of the officers to participate in the Fifth Edition of the FAO International Training Course on PSMA Inspections to be held in Busan, the Republic of Korea from 21/10/2024 to 08/11/2024. (03/10/2024) ০৩-১০-২০২৪
GO 694, The Government's approval of the officers to participate in the Fifth Edition of the FAO International Training Course on PSMA Inspections to be held in Busan, the Republic of Korea from 21/10/2024 to 08/11/2024. (03/10/2024)
১৯ GO 693, The Government's approval for Mr. Md. Mizbahul Noor Anower Kabir, Research Officer, Department of Fisheries, Dhaka to participate in the Second Meeting of the PSMA Strategy ad hoc Working Group and Fifth meeting of the Part 6 Working Group to be held in Busan, the Republic of Korea from 21/10/2024 to 25/10/2024. (03/10/2024) ০৩-১০-২০২৪
GO 693, The Government's approval for Mr. Md. Mizbahul Noor Anower Kabir, Research Officer, Department of Fisheries, Dhaka to participate in the Second Meeting of the PSMA Strategy ad hoc Working Group and Fifth meeting of the Part 6 Working Group to be held in Busan, the Republic of Korea from 21/10/2024 to 25/10/2024. (03/10/2024)
২০ GO 684, The Government's approval for Dr. S.M. Aminul Islam, Director, Department of Livestock Services, Dhaka to participate in the Workshop on ACASA use cases to be held in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 01/10/2024 to 03/10/2024. (26/09/2024) ২৬-০৯-২০২৪
GO 684, The Government's approval for Dr. S.M. Aminul Islam, Director, Department of Livestock Services, Dhaka to participate in the Workshop on ACASA use cases to be held in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 01/10/2024 to 03/10/2024. (26/09/2024)

সর্বমোট তথ্য: ৫৯১