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বিদেশে প্রশিক্ষণ সংক্রান্ত (Foreign Training Related)

ক্রম বিষয়বস্তু প্রকাশের তারিখ ডাউনলোড
GO 750, Govt. sanction to attend the training course to be held in Indonesia from 17-23 November, 2019.(23 September 2019) ২৩-০৯-২০১৯
GO 750, Govt. sanction to attend the training course to be held in Indonesia from 17-23 November, 2019.(23 September 2019)
GO 742, Govt. sanction to attend the training course to be held in India from 17-23 November, 2019.(23 September 2019) ২৩-০৯-২০১৯
GO 742, Govt. sanction to attend the training course to be held in India from 17-23 November, 2019.(23 September 2019)
GO 741, Govt. sanction to attend the training course to be held in Austria from 18-29 November, 2019.(23 September 2019) ২৩-০৯-২০১৯
GO 741, Govt. sanction to attend the training course to be held in Austria from 18-29 November, 2019.(23 September 2019)
GO 749, Govt. sanction to attend the training course to be held in Thailand from 20-26 October, 2019.(23 September 2019) ২৩-০৯-২০১৯
GO 749, Govt. sanction to attend the training course to be held in Thailand from 20-26 October, 2019.(23 September 2019)
GO 744, Govt. sanction to attend the training course to be held in Malaysia from 17-23 November, 2019.(23 September 2019) ২৩-০৯-২০১৯
GO 744, Govt. sanction to attend the training course to be held in Malaysia from 17-23 November, 2019.(23 September 2019)
GO 746, Govt. sanction to attend the Conference to be held in Germany from 06-11 October, 2019.(23 September 2019) ২৩-০৯-২০১৯
GO 746, Govt. sanction to attend the Conference to be held in Germany from 06-11 October, 2019.(23 September 2019)
GO 736, Govt. sanction to attend the seminar to be held in Japan from 03-04 October, 2019.(19 September 2019) ১৮-০৯-২০১৯
GO 736, Govt. sanction to attend the seminar to be held in Japan from 03-04 October, 2019.(19 September 2019)
GO 733, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in Indonesia from 22-28 September, 2019. (18 September 2019) ১৮-০৯-২০১৯
GO 733, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in Indonesia from 22-28 September, 2019. (18 September 2019)
GO 732, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in Thailand from 22-28 September, 2019. (18 September 2019) ১৮-০৯-২০১৯
GO 732, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in Thailand from 22-28 September, 2019. (18 September 2019)
১০ GO 734, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in Malaysia from 20-26 September, 2019. (18 September 2019) ১৮-০৯-২০১৯
GO 734, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in Malaysia from 20-26 September, 2019. (18 September 2019)
১১ GO 729, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in India from 22-28 September, 2019. (17 September 2019) ১৮-০৯-২০১৯
GO 729, Govt. sanction to attend the training to be held in India from 22-28 September, 2019. (17 September 2019)
১২ GO 710, Govt. sanction to attend the Seminar to be held in Malaysia from 9-11 September, 2019. (08 September 2019) ০৮-০৯-২০১৯
GO 710, Govt. sanction to attend the Seminar to be held in Malaysia from 9-11 September, 2019. (08 September 2019)
১৩ GO 702, Govt. sanction to attend the Workshop to be held in Bhutan from 19-20 September, 2019. (04 September 2019) ০৪-০৯-২০১৯
GO 702, Govt. sanction to attend the Workshop to be held in Bhutan from 19-20 September, 2019. (04 September 2019)
১৪ Go 686, Govt. sanction to attend the Seminar on 'Marine Resources Management and Blue Economy Development for Bangladesh' from 05-24 September 2019 in China. (27 August 2019) ২৭-০৮-২০১৯
Go 686, Govt. sanction to attend the Seminar on 'Marine Resources Management and Blue Economy Development for Bangladesh' from 05-24 September 2019 in China. (27 August 2019)
১৫ Go 683, Govt. sanction to attend the Conference from 14-15 October, 2019 in Malaysia. (26 August 2019) ২৬-০৮-২০১৯
Go 683,  Govt. sanction to attend the Conference from 14-15 October, 2019 in Malaysia. (26 August 2019)
১৬ GO-682: Govt. sanction to attend the seminar from 5-24 September, 2019 in China,(26 August 2019) ২৬-০৮-২০১৯
GO-682: Govt. sanction to attend the seminar from 5-24 September, 2019 in China,(26 August 2019)
১৭ GO-672: Govt. sanction to attend the conference from 20-22 September, 2019 in USA,(21 August 2019) ২১-০৮-২০১৯
GO-672: Govt. sanction to attend the conference from 20-22 September, 2019 in USA,(21 August 2019)
১৮ GO-665: Govt. sanction to attend the training program from 04-15 November, 2019 in Austria,(20 August 2019) ২০-০৮-২০১৯
GO-665: Govt. sanction to attend the training program from 04-15 November, 2019 in Austria,(20 August 2019)
১৯ GO-663: Govt. sanction to attend the training program from 25-31 August, 2019 in India,(19 August 2019) ১৯-০৮-২০১৯
GO-663: Govt. sanction to attend the training program from 25-31 August, 2019 in India,(19 August 2019)
২০ GO-662: Govt. sanction to attend the training program from 1-7 September, 2019 in Thailand,(19 August 2019) ১৯-০৮-২০১৯
GO-662: Govt. sanction to attend the training program from 1-7 September, 2019 in Thailand,(19 August 2019)

সর্বমোট তথ্য: ৫৪৪